Friday 10 February 2017

Copywriting Tips That Will Make Your Visitors Buy!

You wouldn't believe how many web sites don't ask for the sale! After all the work people put into their sales copy, describing the benefits of their product, and leading people through their sales process, they overlook one simple but VERY IMPORTANT "call to action": "Click here now to buy."

And that oversight could be losing them 20% of their potential sales!

If you want people to take action on your site (buy, subscribe, fill out a request for more info, etc.), you need to have a call to action that tells them exactly what you want them to do. For example, if you want them to click on a link to learn more about one of your products, you have to include a link that says something like, "Click here to see how the Gadget Widget can save you hours of work!!"

And if you want your visitors to make a purchase (and of course, you do!) you should include a link that says something like, "Click here to get your own incredible time-saving Gadget Widget!"

You might think it's obvious that you want people to make a purchase -- especially if you've written a great sales pitch that explains how incredible your product is. But no matter how convincing your salescopy is, if you don't provide your potential customers with a very specific call to action, then you're just leaving them hanging -- and most of them are going to leave your site and never return, costing you big money in sales AND future leads.

Remember the "ABC" of selling: Always Be Closing. People need to be told what to do. If you want them to make a purchase, you have to ask for the sale.

And if you have a short-copy or catalog-style site, don't make the mistake of asking for the sale just once! You have to give your visitors lots of opportunities to buy your product or service. All of your web pages should include multiple links to your order form or shopping cart, as well as urgency-building action phrases like...

"Buy today!" "Limited time offer -- get yours now!" "What are you waiting for? Click this link to order your own... " "Get started today... just click here!" "YES! I want to order now... " (Remember, salesletters are the one exception to this rule. With these types of sales web sites, you usually want to include a single call to action at the end of your letter -- once you've built a killer case for your product, complete with tons of benefits!)

One more thing: You've got to leave all references to "buying" out of the top fold of your web site. That's the part of your web page that appears on the computer screen when someone first arrives at your site. If you mention buying there, people won't have enough time to learn WHY they should purchase your product, and will probably think you're just out for their money. You want your potential customers to learn about the benefits of your product before you ask for the sale.

Asking for the sale is simple, but the impact it can have on your bottom line is huge. By adding a simple call to action, you make it easy for your visitors to understand what they're supposed to do. And once they know they're supposed to buy something from you, they will -- and your profits will go shooting through the roof!

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