Saturday 22 February 2020

How To Get More People To Read Your Ad Til The End

Obviously, if you're paying to advertise your business, you want people to read your whole ad, so they know what you're offering and can make an informed decision about whether to do business with you, don't you?

  Here's a few ideas you can use in your advertising to keep your reader interested:-  conversational short sentences, subheadings, break up long text into short paragraphs, using bullets to speed the reader through your copy, problem-solving copy the reader identifies with, talking in "What's in it for me?" terms, educational copy, and not revealing price til the end.

Firstly, you need to be aware of the WIIFM (what's in it for me) concept.  What that means is you need to constantly tell your customer what's in your ad for them, because if they're reading your ad it's only to find out something that they want to know about.  YOUR ADS NEED TO BE THE ONES THAT REWARD THEM (while your competitors' BORE them).  This also means you should understand the difference between benefits and features.

Let's say you sell a colour TV with a 90" screen - that's the feature.  But the benefit of this is that the screen is so big that it makes your lounge room feel like a cinema!  That's the benefit, ok?  Let me now introduce you to two powerful words which will automatically suck out the benefit of any feature;


In the example above, in order to put it into WIIFM terms, you could put it together like this -  "This sensational TV has a whopping 90" screen, which means you can virtually turn your lounge room into a cinema!".

Another powerful tool you can use in your copy is bullets.  Why?  Because you can package up your most exciting and riveting benefits into short little bursts.  In fact, the effect of bullet after bullet of really amazing benefits can actually cause nervous tension in your reader.  They can get so excited that they literally can't read any more and go straight to the ordering details.  That's how powerful they are!

Here are some examples of how intriguing bullets can be in your advertising (then you can just adapt them to your own business)

* Why the advertising you're probably running right now is wasting you thousands of dollars, and what you need to do to turn that loss into cash

* How to get movie and TV stars to help you sell your product or service

* How to get hundreds of prospects to seek YOU out

* The one mistake 99% of businesses make which loses them tons of credibility... and thousands of dollars in sales

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